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The Guilt

Ok Moms - who’s guilty of the “I have 15 minutes until I have to pick up the kids, I could run to the grocery store and get some food” syndrome?
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Each moment counts

Whatever stage you’re at with your children, there are moments of pure bliss and others when you just want to pull every hair out of your head. You’re not alone.
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Rise above disappointment

Have you ever been in a situation where you had no choice but to let your kids down?
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Shift your focus

Ever have days when you wake up and just can’t. You can’t get out of bed, don’t want to work, can’t find the motivation to cook or work out?
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Mommy friends – the family you find along the way

Mommy friends - a special breed. A type of friendship that’s unconditional. A friendship that knows no limits and has a bond like no other. Who else would you call at 6:15am on a snow day to plan for the day?
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8 Strategies to keep your calm in high stress moments

Picture this. You drop your kids off at school and rush over to Walmart (one of the only stores that’s open at 8:00am). You think to yourself, great, there’s no one in the parking lot. I’ll be in and out in no time and I’ll have a chance to workout, walk the dog, and start my day. Right. Maybe in normal times. But these days, nothing seems normal.
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