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My focus is to support you as you navigate your child’s challenging behaviours. 

I will provide you with positive parenting tools and language that will target specific behaviour difficulties while understanding where your child is at developmentally.

Some of the challenges I can help you with include, but are not limited to:

  • Tantrums
  • Routines and transitions
  • Sleep difficulties
  • Potty readiness
  • Picky eaters
  • New baby
  • Sibling rivalry
  • Sharing/hitting
  • Separation anxiety
  • Whining
  • Building self-esteem
  • Creating an overall positive environment in the home

15-minute FREE Consultation

To get you started, I’m offering a 15-minute free consultation to give you a taste of the positive parenting language I use and a glimpse of the types of strategies that we can implement together to turn challenging behaviours into teachable moments.

Private Consultation

Includes one intake form, a one hour consultation (in person, on Facetime, or on Zoom), a detailed recap of the consultation followed by tools and strategies that we work on together to help you along your way.

Parent Group: (5+ parents)

A group of moms, dads, or a mix of the two get together once a month, either in person or online, to discuss parenting issues and behavioural concerns. I will facilitate the conversation and provide support and positive strategies that can be used to tackle those difficult situations. A detailed recap of the session will be provided via email and parents can join a private online group where we will have ongoing discussions throughout the session.